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Bourdon Sensing Pressure Gauges Bspg And Lfbspg

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Compliance to latest EN - 837 Standard
Range: (-) to 16000 kg / cm2
Bourdon in SS316 Tias standard, providing better Mechanical properties guaranteeing repeatability & accuracy
Accuracy ± 1% ( Standard ) ± 0.5% FSD on request
Unit of measurement - kg / cm2, bar, PSI, kPa, MPa

Pressure Gauges intended for process industries such as chemicals, petro- chemicals, energy or gas industry, food processing, nuclear, etc
These pressure gauges have been designed to satisfy requirement to operate in aggressive environment

Gauges With External Zero Adjustment

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Applicable for all Models, where code “E” is specified in Option column


Generally Pressure Gauges Differential pressure are provided with micrometer type pointer, by which zero can be adjusted after opening the Bezel & Glass. However for Gauges with Liquid (Glycerine / Silicone Oil) filled case, this arrangement is practically not suitable, since the filling liquid has to be drained before opening the Bezel & Glass. After doing the zero adjustment, the Bezel & Glass has to be re-assembled and again the case has to be filled with liquid.

In order to overcome this difficulty, General instruments consortium has developed a unique of external zero adjustment. By this arrangement, zero can be adjusted without draining the Glycerine, without opening the Bezel, without removing the Glass & without touching the pointer, just by rotating a knob provided out side the Gauges. This arrangement is highly recommended from the maintenance view, especially for liquid filled Gauges.

Safety Pattern Solid Front Pr. Gauges Sfbspg And Lfsfbspg

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Safety pattern

All SS Construction 

These pressure Gauges are well suited for the process industries such as chemicals, petro chemicals, energy or gas industries, food processing, nuclear, etc

These Gauges have been provided with a solid baffle wall and blow out back which immediately releases the pressure in the enclosure in the event of an accidental rupture of the sensing element

Solid Front Phenolic Case Pr. Gauges Sfphpg And Lsphpg

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Safety pattern 
Corrosion resistant Phenolic Case makes it suitable for corrosive environment
Available with Stainless Steel & Monel internals
These Gauges have been provided with a solid baffle wall and blow out back which immediately releases the pressur in the enclosure in the event of an accidental rupture of the sensing element.

Bourdon Sensing Pr. Gauges

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BS25 / LFBS25 / SFBS25 / LSBS25


Compliance to latest EN - 837 standard

Range: (-) 1600 kg/cm2

Bourdon in SS316 Ti as standard providing better mechanical properties guaranteeing repeatability & accuracy

Accuracy ±1% FSD (standard), ±0.5% FSD on request 

Uni of measurement - kg/cm2, bar, PSI, KPa, MPa

Receiver Gauges Rcpg

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Suitable for receiving pneumatic signals of level & flow transmitters

Compliance to latest EN - 837 (Standard)

Input range: 0.2 to 1kg/cm2 or 3 to 15 psi

Accuracy ± 1% FSD (standard), ± 0.5%, FSD on request

Master Pressure Gauges

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Accuracy class ± 0.25% FSD

Rugged construction

1.2 fold over range capability of short duration

Traceability to National / International standard laboratory

Special carrying case (Woodan Box) with each gauge

Diaphragm Sensing Pressure Gauges

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Compliance to latest EN - 837 standard

Range: (+) 10000 to (-) 10000 mmWc

All SS internals

Special design with in Gauges saver also available

Capsule Sensing Pressure Gauges

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Low range with high accuracy

ALL SS Internals

Accuracy ± 1%FSD

Compact design avoids use of bulky manometers 

Ingress protection class IP-68 

These pressure Gauges are well suited for low pressure measurement 

The sensing element capsule is made of 2 stainless steel laser welded diaphragms

Heavy Duty Capsule Sensing Pr. Gauges

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Compliance to latest EN-837 standard

All SS internals

Special design with built in Gauges saver also available 

Small Pr. Gauges Brass Internals

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Designed to fulfill most industrial requirements as well as commercial
Range: (-) 1 to 250 kg/cm2
Bourdon in Ph Bronze / Brass
Accuracy ± 2%FSD 
Unite of Measurement - kg/cm2, bar, PSI    
Small dial Pressure Gauges are developed for OEM applications in compressed gases, lubricating circuits,   air filter fegulators, gas cylinders, etc. 

Small Pr. Gauges Ss Internals

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Designed to fulfill most industrial requirements as well as commercial
Range: (-) 1 to 400 kg/cm2
Bourdon in SS316 as standrad
Accuracy ± 2%FSD 
Unite of Measurement - kg/cm2, bar, PSI    
Small dial Pressure Gauges are developed for OEM applications in compressed gases, lubricating circuits, air filter fegulators, gas cylinders, etc.

Hygiene Gauges

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100mm & 150mm Dial
HY10 / LFHY10 / HY15 / LFHY15


Designed for pressure measurement in sanitary application

Designed compliance to international dairy federation

Compliance to latest EN - 837 standard 

Range(-) 1% to 40kg/cm2

Accuracy ± 1% FSD (standard), ± 0.5% FSD on request

Unit of measurement - kg/cm², bar, psi, kPa

Micrometer pointer

Hygine Gauge

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63 mm dial
HY63 / LFHY63


Designed for pressure measurement in Sanitary application
Designed compliance to International Dairy Federation
Compliance to latest EN-837 standard
Range : Refer table 
Accuracy  ±2% FSD
Unit of measurement - kg/cm², bar, psi, kPa

Hygiene Gauges designed for pressure measurement in Sanitary
application in accordance with International Dairy Federation (IDF)
requirements in pharmaceutical, dairy, biotechnology, food & beverages

Mud Gauges

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Designed for oil industries / coal industries

This Gauge is specially designed to measure the pressure of pulsating fluids including solid particles in suspension of stand pipe of mud pumps

It can also be used for any other fluid

Its sturdy construction can undergo severe working conditions

The pressure ranges meet every requirement of the oil industry

Pressure too high indicates a plugged drill bit or an increase in mud density or viscosity. Early indication of mud pump pressure provides an early warning of circulation problem enabling driller to make suitable corrections & helps to avoid major problems

Absolute Pressure Gauges Bellow Type

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Compliance to latest EN - 837 standard

Range: as shown in the table

Below in SS316 as standard providing better mechanical properties guaranteeing repeatability & accuracy

Accuracy ± 1% FSD

Absolute Pr. Gauges Bourdon Type

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Compliance to latest EN-837 standard

Range : As shown in the table

Bourdon in SS316 as standard providing better mechanical proper ties guaranteeingrepeatability and accuracy

Accuracy  ±1% FSD 

Absolute Pr. Gauges Diaphragm Type

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Compliance to latest EN-837 standard 

Range : As shown in the table

Diaphragm in SS316 as standard providing better mechanical proper ties guaranteeing repeatability and accuracy

Accuracy  ±1.6% FSD

Pressure Gauge With In Built Transmitter

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BSPGTX / LF BSPGTX / SF BSPGTX / LS BSPGTX (Liquid filled, Solid Front Case)


Gauge Design as per EN-837 standard

Local Indication & signal transmission to the control room

Transmission of process values 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA, 0 to 10 V

Easy-to-read, analogue on-site display. No need of external power supply

"Plug and play" with no configuration necessary

Signal transmission as per NAMUR

Measuring ranges (-)1-0, 0-1 to 0-1000 kg/cm2.g/ bar.g

Nominal Dial Size of 100 or 150 mm


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Model : ACC


Pig Tail syphon
U Syphon
Gauge Saver
Gauge Adaptor
Universal Adaptor
Gauge Union

Chemical And Diaphragm Seal Unit

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Corrosive process fluid

Highly viscous process fluid

Process fluid having sediments or solid particles

Process fluid having tendency to solidify, freeze or crystallize at lower

Temperatures which may block the sensing element

Hazardous process fluid

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Absolute Pr. Gauges Bourdon Type, Absolute Pr. Gauges Diaphragm Type, Absolute Pressure Gauges Bellow Type, Accessories, Accessoriess, Averaging Pitot Tube, Ball Valve, Bar Stock Flanged Thermowell, Bar Stock Threaded Thermowell, Bar Stock Weld In Thermowell, Bimetal Dial Thermometer, Blind Pressure And Differential Pressure Switches, Blind Temperature Switch, Bourdon Sensing Pr. Gauges, Bourdon Sensing Pressure Gauges Bspg And Lfbspg, Capsule Sensing Pressure Gauges, Chambers For Guided Wave Radar, Chemical, Chemical And Diaphragm Seal Unit, Compact Orifice Flow Meter, Condensate Pot, Diaphragm Sensing Pressure Gauges, Differential Pressure Gauges Bellow Type, Differential Pressure Gauges Capsule Type, Differential Pressure Gauges Diaphragm And Piston Type, Differential Pressure Gauges Diaphragm Type, Differential Pressure Gauges Mag Dp (Pharma Application), Differential Presure Gauge Diaphragm High Static Pressure Gauges, Direct Insert Type Level Switches, Displacer Type Level Switches, Displacer Type Level Transmitter, Displacer Type Level Transmitters, External Chamber Type Level Switches, Fabricated Flanged Thermowell, Fabricated Threaded Thermowell, Fabricated Weld In Thermowell, Fittings, Five Valve Manifold Remote Mounted Type, Float And Tape Level Gauge Manufacturers, Flow Calibration Test Bench, Flow Indicator, Flow Nozzel, Flow Straighteners And Flow Conditioner Manufacturers, Flow Switches, Gas Filled Dial Thermometer, Gauges With External Zero Adjustment, Heavy Duty Capsule Sensing Pr. Gauges, Hygiene Gauges, Hygine Gauge, In House Test Facilities, Indicating Differential Pressure Switch, Indicating Low Range Pressure Switches, Indicating Pressure Switches, Indicating Temperature Switch, Instrumentation Cable, Liquid Filled Dial Thermometer, Magnetic Level Gauges And Level Transmitters, Magnetostrictive Manufacturers, Manufacturing And Testing Facility, Master Pressure Gauges, Material Selection Guide, Meter Run Assemblies, Mi Thermocouples Manufacturers, Monoflange Single Block And Bleed Valve, Mud Gauges, Needle Valves Screwed Bonnet Design Double Ferrule Tube Ends, Orifice Plates, Orifice Plates Assemblies, Pressure Gauge With In Built Transmitter, Products, Receiver Gauges Rcpg, Reflex Level Gauges Manufacturers, Rtd Manufacturers, Safety Pattern Solid Front Pr. Gauges Sfbspg And Lfsfbspg, Sight Flow Indicators, Single And Multistage Restriction Orifice Assembly, Small Pr. Gauges Brass Internals, Small Pr. Gauges Ss Internals, Solid Front Phenolic Case Pr. Gauges Sfphpg And Lsphpg, Special Tw Sleeved Lined, Three Valve Manifold Direct Mounting T Type, Transparent Level Gauges, Tubular Level Gauges, Two Valve Manifold (Three Way), Van Stone Thermowell Manufacturers, Venturi Tubes Manufacturers